‘The Dark Heart of the Mogu’ Achievement Guide
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Valley of the Emperors
1. Fly to the entrance of the Tomb of the Conquerors in Kun-Lai Summit.
2. Enter the tomb and run until you can see and click the “Valley of the Emperors” scroll.
Spirit Binders
3. Fly to the Terrace of Ten Thunders in The Jade Forest.
4. Face towards Tian Monastery and stay close to the mountain. Find and click the “Spirit Binders” scroll.
The Thunder King
5. Fly to the entrance of The Silent Sanctuary.
6. Find and click “The Thunder King” scroll leaning against the entrance.
The Lost Dynasty
7. Fly to the Pools of Youth in Krasarang Wilds.
8. Find and click “The Lost Dynasty” scroll leaning against the northwestern Mogu statue.