How to Cancel Your WoW Subscription

To cancel your WoW subscription,

1. Go to the Account page. If necessary, log in to your account.

The 'Account Overview' page on the website

2. In the left-hand menu, click “Games & Subscriptions”.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Games & Subscriptions' button on the account page

3. In the “Game Accounts” box, find the account whose subscription you’d like to cancel. An active account will have a “Next Billing Date”.

An orange rectangle showing a account with an active subscription

4. Click the blue “Manage” text in that account’s row.

5. Click the blue “Cancel Subscription” text.

An orange arrow pointing to the button used to cancel your WoW subscription

6. Answer the (required) first question in the “Cancellation Survey” box. All of the subsequent questions are optional.

The survey page for players who try to cancel their WoW subscription

7. Scroll down and click the “Continue” button.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Continue' button below the Cancel WoW Subscription Survey

8. On the final page, click the blue ‘Cancel my Subscription’ button.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Cancel my Subscription' button

You will still be able to play this WoW account until the day and time on which its subscription ends.

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