How to Get Another Hearthstone in WoW

Jump to: Hearthstone Toys | Get a New Hearthstone

Occasionally, you may accidentally destroy your Hearthstone.

Check If You Have a Hearthstone Toy

Before you try to get another Hearthstone, you should determine whether you have a Hearthstone toy.

These toys are superior to physical Hearthstones as they do not use a bag slot.

To check if you have a Hearthstone toy,

1. Open the Collections window.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Collections' button on the WoW interface

2. Click the “Toy Box” tab.

A green arrow pointing to the 'Toy Box' tab on the Collections window in WoW

3. Type “Hearthstone” into the search bar.

A player typing 'Hearthstone' into the Toy Box window's searchbar in WoW

4. If you have one or more Hearthstone toys, drag one of them to your ActionBars.

A player keybinding a Hearthstone toy in WoW

Getting a New Hearthstone

If you don’t have any Hearthstone toys, you’ll have to find the right innkeeper.

1. Go to the inn to which you want your Hearthstone to send you.

2. Find and right-click the Innkeeper.

A player right-clicking the innkeeper in The Golden Flagon inn

3. Click the “Make this inn your home” option.

A green rectangle showing the 'Make this inn your home' option

4. Click the “Accept” button on the pop-up window.

A green rectangle showing the 'Accept' button

5. If you have any free bag slots, a new Hearthstone will appear in your bags.

A green square showing a new hearthstone in a player's backpack
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