‘Stood in the Fire’ Achievement Guide

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The 'Stood in the Fire' achievement in WoW

Shortly after the Cataclysm expansion released, Deathwing would fly around zones in Azeroth breathing fire. Any players hit by his fire would instantly die and receive the ‘Stood in the Fire’ achievement.

A few months later, Blizzard removed Deathwing from the open world, forcing players to enter Dragon Soul to get the achievement.


You must use a character that:

  • Can solo the Dragon Soul raid (or is level 35+ and in a group that can clear the raid)
  • Has not completed the Spine of Deathwing encounter this week.

How to Get the Achievement

1. Enter the Dragon Soul raid found in the Caverns of Time, Tanaris.

The Dragon Soul entrance portal in the Caverns of Time

2. Progress through the raid until you’ve defeated Warmaster Blackhorn.

3. Talk to Sky Captain Swayze to begin the Spine of Deathwing encounter.

Sky Captain Swayze on the Skybreaker in the Dragon Soul raid

4. Once you land on Deathwing’s spine, immediately run and jump off.

A male Pandaren Death Knight who jumped off Deathwing's spine
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