‘To All The Squirrels I Once Caressed?’ Achievement Guide
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1. If you have any battle pets that share the same name as one of the critters for this achievement, summon them, and /love them.
2. Make the following macro and remove each line that includes a critter you don’t need.
/tar Amethyst Spiderling
/tar Bandicoon
/tar Clou
/tar Coral
/tar Dancing
/tar Emp
/tar Gild
/tar Golden Civet
/tar Leopard Tree Frog
/tar Luyu
/tar Mala
/tar Mar
/tar Mong
/tar Resil
/tar Shrine Fly
/tar Sifang Otter
/tar Yakrat
/stopmacro [noexists]
How to Get the Achievement
1. Take the portal to The Jade Forest from Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
The Jade Forest – Leopard Tree Frog, Shrine Fly, Coral Adder
2. Fly to one of the shrines southeast of Grookin Hill.
3. Love a Leopard Tree Frog and a Shrine Fly.

4. Fly to the area just northwest of Moonwater Retreat.
5. Love a Coral Adder.

Krasarang Wilds – Amethyst Spiderling, Luyu Moth
6. Fly to the area just southwest of Zhu’s Watch in Krasarang Wilds.
7. Love an Amethyst Spiderling and a Luyu Moth.

Valley of the Four Winds – Bandicoon, Malayan Quillrat, Marsh Fiddler, Sifang Otter
8. Fly to Gilded Fan in Valley of the Four Winds.
9. Love a Bandicoon, Malayan Quillrat, Marsh Fiddler, and a Sifang Otter.

Dread Wastes – Clouded Hedgehog, Resilient Roach
10. Fly to Lake of Stars in Dread Wastes.
11. Love a Clouded Hedgehog and a Resilient Roach.

12. Fly to the area just northwest of Zan’vess.
13. Love an Emperor Crab.

Townlong Steppes – Mongoose, Yakrat
14. Fly to Hatred’s Vice in Townlong Steppes.
15. Love a Mongoose and a Yakrat.

Valley of Eternal Blossoms – Golden Civet, Dancing Water Skimmer, Gilded Moth
16. Fly to the area just west of Setting Sun Garrison in Valley of Eternal Blossoms.
17. Love a Golden Civet.

18. Fly to the area just northeast of Setting Sun Garrison.
19. Love a Dancing Water Skimmer and a Gilded Moth.