How to Activate and Deactivate Followers in WoW
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If you have more than 25 active Garrison Followers, you’ll need to deactivate at least one of them to complete Garrison Missions.
Deactivating Followers
When you have more than 25 active Garrison Followers, you can deactivate one by:
1. Clicking the Command Table in your Garrison.

2. Clicking the “Followers” tab at the bottom-left corner of the Garrison Missions window.

3. Right-clicking the follower that you’d like to deactivate.
4. Choosing the “Deactivate” option.

Activating Followers
To activate a follower,
1. Click the Command Table in your Garrison.

2. Click the “Followers” tab at the bottom-left corner of the Garrison Missions window.

3. Scroll down to the list of inactive followers on the left.

4. Right-click the follower that you’d like to activate.
5. Choose the “Activate” option.