How to Change Professions in WoW

Jump to: Unlearning Professions | Learning New Professions

If you already have 2 primary professions but want a different one, you’ll need to:

1. Unlearn one of your existing primary professions

2. Learn the new primary profession you want.

Unlearning Professions

To unlearn a profession,

1. Click the Spellbook button at the bottom-right corner of the user interface.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Spellbook & Professions' button on the WoW interface

2. Click the “Professions” tab.

A green arrow pointing to the 'Professions' tab on the Spellbook window in WoW

3. Click the red circle-backslash icon next to the profession you wish to unlearn.

A green arrow pointing to the Unlearn Profession button in WoW

4. In the pop-up window, type “UNLEARN” and then click the “Unlearn” button.

The pop-up window that appears when you try to unlearn a profession in WoW

Learning a New Profession

To learn the new profession you want,

1. Travel to the nearest city.

2. Find and right-click the nearest city guard.

3. Choose the “Profession Trainer” option.

A green rectangle showing the 'Profession Trainer' on a guard dialogue window

4. Choose the profession you wish to learn.

The Profession Trainer options on a guard dialogue window

5. Open your world map and travel to the red flag on it.

A blue arrow pointing to a red flag on a map of Stormwind City

6. Click the profession trainer at that location and train the desired profession.

A blue rectangle showing Lilliam Sparkspindle in Stormwind City
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