How to Get a Second WoW Account

1. Go to the account page. If necessary, log in to your account.

The 'Account Overview' page on the website

2. In the left-hand menu, click “Games & Subscriptions”.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Games & Subscriptions' button on the account page

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

4. In the “Starter Editions & Public Test Regions” box, click the blue “+ Create Starter Account” text.

The 'Create Starter Account" button on the website

5. Use the dropdown to select your region and then click the blue “Create Account” button.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Create Account' button on the account page

6. To upgrade your new starter account to a full account, return to the “Games & Subscriptions” page. Then, click the blue “Add a Subscription” text next to the new account’s name.

An orange arrow pointing to the 'Add a Subscription' button on the account page
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