How to Challenge Someone to a Duel in WoW
Jump to: Command | Clicking | Responding | Cancelling
The Duel feature in WoW allows any two players to fight each other to the “death” (1 HP).
If you’d like to challenge someone to a duel, you have two options.
Option 1: Type a Command
- Target the player.
- Type “/duel” and press the “Enter” key.
Option 2: Clicking
- Target the player.
- Right-click their portrait.
- Click the “Duel” option.
Responding to a Duel Request
The duelee can respond to the duel request by clicking the “Accept” button or the “Decline” button.
If the duelee does not respond to the request in time, the game will automatically decline the duel for them.
How to Cancel a Duel
To cancel a duel in progress, simply type “/forfeit” and press the “Enter” key.