How to Challenge Someone to a Duel in WoW

Jump to: Command | Clicking | Responding | Cancelling

The Duel feature in WoW allows any two players to fight each other to the “death” (1 HP).

If you’d like to challenge someone to a duel, you have two options.

Option 1: Type a Command

  1. Target the player.
  2. Type “/duel” and press the “Enter” key.
A player entering a command to challenge another player to a duel

Option 2: Clicking

  1. Target the player.
  2. Right-click their portrait.
  3. Click the “Duel” option.
A green rectangle showing the Duel option on the character portrait menu

Responding to a Duel Request

The duelee can respond to the duel request by clicking the “Accept” button or the “Decline” button.

The window that appears when someone challenges you to a duel in WoW

If the duelee does not respond to the request in time, the game will automatically decline the duel for them.

How to Cancel a Duel

To cancel a duel in progress, simply type “/forfeit” and press the “Enter” key.

A player entering a command to forfeit a duel
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