Invincible’s Reins
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Invincible is the reanimated steed of the Lich King and a mount coveted by many WoW players.
How to Get Invincible
Player have two methods for obtaining this mount.
Buying the Mount from the Black Market Auction House
Wealthy players have the option to buy Invincible from Ta’xera at the Black Market Auction House in Revendreth.

However, a few players have reported a 1 million price tag on this valuable mount.
Looting the Mount in Icecrown Citadel
Most players choose the free method for seeking Invincible: killing The Lich King in the Icecrown Citadel raid (25 man heroic mode only).
According to the 190,000+ Lich King kills logged by Wowhead, Invincible’s Reins has a 0.77% drop chance.
Tips for Farming Invincible’s Reins
Invincible only has a ~0.77% drop chance and can only be killed once per week (per character), so players have to be very patient.
Fortunately, there are a few ways to farm Invincible faster:
- Clear Icecrown Citadel on multiple characters per week
- Use a speed set to farm the raid faster.
Group Finder Method (Removed)
In September 2020, a player by the name of Soliddus posted a YouTube video revealing a clever way to use the Group Finder tool to skip 10 bosses in Icecrown Citadel, after defeating them on another character.
However, when 9.0 released the next month, Soliddus mentioned that Blizzard had fixed the exploit.